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    Read the full Guidelines for Submission here.

    Not ready to submit your play? Go back to Call For Submissions.


    All of the fields in the form below are required unless otherwise noted.



    Once you press "Submit Your Play," you will receive a pop-up notification that your submission was received, AND an email will be sent to you confirming that we've received your play. IF, for some reason, you don't receive one or the other (or either), feel free to email us using the email below. Also, check to ensure your confirmation email is not in your spam folder.



    Readers will only have access to your play. They will not have access to the rest of the information you provide below.


    Questions? Difficulties?

    If you are having any difficulties filling out this form, contact us

    Deadline: April 1, 2025 11:59 PM PDT 
    I identify as (select all that apply)

    The below Parent/Guardian & Teacher/Mentor fields are required if you are 17 years of age, or younger.

    Upload Your Script
    My play deals with GUN VIOLENCE through the lens of... (Answer to the best of your ability. Check up to two categories.)
    Are you willing to fill out a brief survey about your ENOUGH! experience? Anyone who completes the survey will be entered to WIN copies of the previous ENOUGH! anthologies. Answers you provide will have no bearing on your submission.
    1 - Is ENOUGH! the first time you wrote a play?
    2 - Have you submitted a play to ENOUGH! before?
    3 - How did you find out about ENOUGH! Plays? (Check all that apply)
    5- Which of the following resources provided by ENOUGH! did you use when writing your play? (Check all that apply)
    6- Which social media platforms do you use the most? (check all that apply)
    7 - Have you been impacted by gun violence directly?
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